Victory Temple COGIC
Victory Temple COGIC

Our Mission, Our Vision, and Our Church
Our Mission, Our Vision, and Our Church
Our Mission is to transform lives through sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to build strong individuals and families in a community of love and empower the total man for successful Christian living.
To be a Ministry fully equipped to share the Word of God through love, worship,fellowship, outreach and service; as we let our lives be the mirror that reflect the image of Christ.

Victory Temple Church of God in Christ is a community of people who believe in doing what the Word of God says, “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and come before his courts with praise, be thankful unto him and bless his name”. We truly believe that when praises go up blessings will come down. We are a community of people full of energy and faith with a desire to serve God by being a blessing to others. Our desire is to be a beacon to those around us.
Victory Temple Church of God in Christ is a place where you can discover the abundance of God’s blessings in his Word, as you apply them to your daily life. We are committed to being a body of believers where you feel loved and welcome to become a part of the work of Christ. Victory Temple is not just a church, it is a community of believers coming together to declare the glory of God and to fulfill the assignments that God has given each of us.
Victory Temple Church of God in Christ is a church that believes in the power of the Holy Ghost. We believe it will do just what it says in St. John 14:26.
We are concerned about the total needs of man. For that reason, we have various auxiliaries that minister to the physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of others. We extend a cordial invitation to you to come and worship the Lord with us in the beauty of holiness as we wait for the coming of our King.
Victory Temple Church of God in Christ is a church where, “Everybody is Somebody “.